Puriri Year 6

Learning Leader

Steph Martin



Cathy Simpson


Learning Assistant

Mez Muir

Learning Assistant

Tracey Quinn

Learning Assistant

Rowan Cranage


As they begin their final year at Bayfield, year 6 students are ready to take on the leadership responsibilities across the school.  Developing their growing independent skills, Puriri students  work on genius hour projects and collaborative inquiries alongside the core curriculum (reading, writing and maths.) By years end they are ready to meet the challenge of intermediate school with so many happy memories of their years at Bayfield.

Kei ōu ringaringa te ao

The world is yours

term Overview and Newsletters

Click on the images to read the Term 2&3 

 2024 Overview and Team Posts

Puriri Term 3 Overview 2024

Please view the 2024 Puriri Meet the Team Kaiako Whanau Presentation for details of team and expectations for the year

2024 Term 2 Puriri Newsletter.pdf

Puriri Term 2 2024 Weekly Schedule

All Bayfield students receive one hour of daily instruction in reading, writing and maths

Puriri Weekly Schedule for Meet the Team

Trips and Events

We are planning several trips and events throughout the year to promote the learning themes of the team. Photo's and artefacts will be recorded here as the year progresses

Term 2-3  2024 Science Inquiry

Planet Earth and Beyond - Te Marama

Tiritiri Matangi Island Trip

To inform our term 1 inquiry we are exploring Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf. One of New Zealand’s oldest island sanctuaries, Tiritiri Matangi is brimming with wildlife rarely seen on the mainland, so students can gain first-hand knowledge of these threatened species and our country’s conservation history.

Year 6 Camp

One of the highlights year six is EOTC week spent at Shakespear lodge in Whangaparoa. Along with the wonderful outdoor challenges including climbing, orienteering, target shooting and swimming, students develop and practice valuable independence skills that a week away from home brings. 

       Student Showcase 

Click on the image to view a collection fabulous student work from the Puriri Team

Supporting your child's learning

How can you help at home

Click on the image to find examples of learning and ideas for helping your child reach the expected levels by the end of year 6 in reading, writing and maths.