Te Reo & Kapa Haka

Matua Ngārino Te Taka

Bayfield Kapa Haka 2022.mp4

Click on the play button to admire the wonderful Bayfield Kapa Haka

At Bayfield we foster Māori culture through:

  • Teaching te reo Māori (e.g. greetings, counting, mihi, basic vocabulary, pronunciation, place names)

  • Incorporating tikanga (the Māori way of doing things) in school life (e.g. mihi whakatau (greeting/welcome speech), pōwhiri (welcome ceremony), waiata (songs), kapa haka (Māori cultural group), and karakia (prayer/ritual chant))

  • Integrating Māori, and using resources that recognise New Zealand’s dual cultural heritage, through all curriculum areas where appropriate

  • Fostering relationships with local iwi and visiting marae, as appropriate

  • Holding whānau hui (family meetings) and convening whānau groups

A selection of songs and work inspired by te reo and tikanga maori at Tukitukimuka.