Our Values
Our values, and the things we value, underpin our school culture and philosophy. They influence our decision making and are expressed in the ways we think and act. These values along with the Learning Areas, and Key Competencies complement the New Zealand and Bayfield Curriculum.
Excellence Huhuatanga
Aiming high
Achieving personal goals
Celebrating successes in academic, music, visual & performing arts and sporting areas
Persevering through difficulties
Respect Whakarangatira
For Self – personal pride, integrity
For Others – show courtesy, understand that all people think, feel and act differently
For the Environment – care and sustainability
Responsibility Heipapa
For our own learning
For our own actions and our actions towards others
To be a good role model and leader
Diversity Kanorau
Recognise different cultures
Understand different views & opinions
Understand that we all learn in different ways
Inclusive of others & treating people kindly