Rimu Year 5

Learning Leader

Natalie Hayes



Jenine Young


Part Time Teacher

Leanne Hackett

Learning Assistant

Mez Muir


Learning Assistant

Isa Rive

Term Overview and Newsletters

Click on the images to read the Terms 2&3

 2024 Overview and Team Posts

Rimu Term 3 Overview 2024

Please view the 2024 Rimu Meet the Team Kaiako Whanau Presentation for details of team and expectations for the year

Term 2 Rimu 2024 Newsletter (1).pdf

Rimu Weekly Timetable

All Bayfield students receive at least 1 hour of maths, reading and writing daily.

Weekly Schedule for Meet the Team

Our Learning

What Does Maths Look Like in the Senior School

In years 5 & 6, our students develop efficient strategies to solve mathematical problems, employing both mental and written approaches. They explore more advanced numeracy topics, such as measuring angles using protractors, solving complex equations with BEDMAS, understanding cartesian planes, and establishing connections between fractions, decimals, and percentages. This comprehensive preparation equips our students with the necessary foundational knowledge as they prepare to transition into intermediate school. They also engage in Maths Fluency sessions and Daily Reviews to consolidate their learning from previous years.

Students will receive 1 hour per day of explicit instruction to support the following knowledge and skills:


Measurement and Shape

Statistics and Probability

Retrieval Practise

                             Supporting Students at Home

What Does Literacy Look Like in the Senior School

Students read and compare complex texts, for enjoyment and learning, and can express their thoughts and opinions about what they have read. They can write a wide variety of well-constructed texts such as reviews, reports, persuasive writing and narratives. Students develop skills to communicate with others in most settings. They can transfer the skills developed in literacy at levels 3 and 4 of the curriculum to other subjects. 

  Students will receive 1 hour per day of explicit instruction in both reading and writing to support the following skills:


Reading to learn


Oral Language

Retrieval Practise

Supporting Students at home

Trips and Events

We are planning several trips and events throughout the year to promote the learning themes of the team. Photos and artefacts will be recorded in the photo diary as the year progresses. 

Term 2-3  2024 Science Inquiry

Planet Earth and Beyond - Te Marama

Tiritiri Matangi Island Trip

To inform our term 1 inquiry we are exploring Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf. One of New Zealand’s oldest island sanctuaries, Tiritiri Matangi is brimming with wildlife rarely seen on the mainland, so students can gain first-hand knowledge of these threatened species and our country’s conservation history.

Rimu Photo Diary 2023

Click on the photo diary above to ask your teacher for access to this collection of photo's of the Rimu team year

EOTC Highlights

One of the highlights of the year is EOTC (Education outside the classroom) week. Activities include Sailing, Orienteering, and a beach cleanup throughout the week culminating in an awesome night at Shakespear lodge in Whangaparoa for Year 5 Camp. 

Student Showcase

Click on the images to view a collection of work from the 2023 Rimu Team

PPDAC Statistical Inquiries 

Problem Plan Data Analyse Conclude

PPDAC Vida C and Evie
PPDAC Darina

Click on the link to read some fabulous Show Don't Tell Stories by the 2023 Rimu Team

Click on the images below to view a collection of work from the 2022 Rimu Team

Maori Settlement Inquiry Plays and Stop Motion Movies

Caroline and Josh.MOV

Caroline and Josh

Kupe's Journey Noah, Abbie and Tilly (1).mp4

Noah, Abbie and Tilly

The Last Fight for Moa's Rights Abigail, James, Milo, Sally and Mimi.mp4

Abigail, Milo, James, Sally  and Mimi 

Emily and Emily.MOV

Emily and Emily

Henry and Lucia.MOV

Henry and Lucia

John Zara k

John and Zara K

Koa_the_kiore joe and jackson.mov

Jackson and Joe

Tikapa Moana Inquiries 

Supporting your child's learning

How can you help at home

Click on the image to find examples of learning and ideas for helping your child reach the expected levels by the end of year 5 in reading, writing and maths.